What emotions are hiding out just beneath your surface? Often times there is a flood of feelings we are reluctant to let others see.
Sometimes we refuse to see them ourselves. Actually, I believe most of the time we don’t want to see our emotions.
We recognize that something is present, but we rarely take the time to look. We quickly label our feelings as good or bad and continue with our lives. In doing that, we stuff our feelings deeper, especially when they are not pleasant.
We are very good at distracting ourselves. This is called suppression or repression, depending on how you avoid.
Bring awareness to your feelings.
I keep saying this because I believe it is a HUGE, important step on your path of personal growth. It is one of the first skills you need to learn. It’s the foundation.
Without this foundation, you won’t be able to recognize patterns and beliefs, name your feelings, or know yourself. You won’t truly feel.
You need to be able to do all those things before you can really change the direction of your thoughts and therefore your life.
So, how are you feeling right now?
Can you name the emotion? Can you describe how it feels in your body? Why are you feeling this way, or what thoughts are you having to create this feeling?
Which scenario best matches how you answered?
Scenario A: I feel inspired and a bit apprehensive. I feel a slight fluttering in my chest and active energy in my fingers – like a current flow wanting to make them move across my keyboard. The thoughts: I have an idea of what to share. I have experiences. I know the message I want to get across. I hope I can express my ideas in a clear, understandable, and relatable way.
Scenario B: I feel lost, or confused. My body feels tight, constricted, or tense. The thoughts: I don’t know. What do I want? What is the purpose of this exercise, Lisa? I can’t figure out what I want. I’ll never be able to change. It’s too hard.
If you answered more like Scenario A, then great job! Keep practicing your awareness and stay tuned for next week’s blog where I’ll explain how I avoid getting sucked into the undercurrents of negative thought patterns.
If B is more where you are at right now, then have no fear!
Find your compassion. Maya Angelou has one of the best quotes for this. You may have heard it before: “When you know better, you do better”.
Your self-awareness journey may be just beginning, and that’s ok! You are right where you should be. How do you know? Because it’s where you are right now.
Simply allow yourself to be. Try to pay attention to what is going on in your head and your body. Watch yourself like an outside observer. Don’t resist what comes up for you. Practice not acting out your emotions. I know this can be difficult at first: that’s why I said practice. You may be like me and feel like the only thing you can do is cry, and that’s ok. With practice, it will become easier, I promise.
Wreaking havoc with your well being.
Resisting, or setting your feelings out to sail without a farewell, is how most people handle their emotions. We send them away over and over until our feelings demand to be noticed. They usually get noticed in the form of outbursts, for example, yelling at your kids or spouse. Not very healthy or helpful.
Instead of creating chaos, ignite your compassion. Observe your body. Notice your thoughts. Allow. Soon you will realize the allowance of these emotions is not harmful. This is important to realize because what people fear most is the feeling.
We don’t want to feel unloved, or embarrassed, or unworthy… and you don’t have to. You can feel however you choose to feel. But that’s another post.
For now, allow your emotions to take up all the space they need. Practice understanding and accepting yourself so you can love every part of you.
My inspiration…(click for full view)
Thank you so much for reading!
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Hello! I’m Lisa Mae ~ Emotive Seascape Artist
I paint, write, and create the motivation I need to keep me going and sharing it with you sets my soul on fire! I use soft pastels to create vibrant, luscious seascape paintings inspired by the energy and clarity the ocean illuminates in me. I share my creations with hopes of inspiring you to find joy, connection, and fulfillment so you can create the life of your dreams and feel truly alive!
I also want to illuminate this world we all share by giving back to the oceans with every print sold.
We are all connected. Together we can be the change.
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