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“My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.” ~Rob Hill Sr
What more can I say?!
That’s like loving yourself, living your dream life, being full of joy, and being present all wrapped up in one quote.
We just need to figure out HOW to do that, right?
One step at a time. Listen to yourself. Believe in yourself.
Take the leap.
What is your next step? …or perhaps your first step?
Have a courageous day!
Thank you so much for reading!
Don’t forget! You have access to all my wallpapers if you are signed up for my newsletter.
Hello! I’m Lisa Mae
I use soft pastels to create vibrant, luscious seascape paintings inspired by the energy and clarity the ocean illuminates in me. I share my creations with hopes of inspiring you to follow your dreams and feel truly alive! I also want to illuminate this world we all share by giving back to the oceans with every print sold.
We are all connected. Together we can be the change.
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