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“I am currently under construction. Thank you for your patience” ~unknown
I love this quote because it says ‘thank you’ instead of ‘I’m sorry’. Well, and ‘under construction’ is a pretty creative way of saying ‘working on yourself’.
But I am reminded of how often we say I’m sorry nowadays, and most of the time we are apologizing for making ourselves a priority or being true to ourselves.
We apologize for our feelings, our thoughts, and our opinions. We say “No, I can’t do that, I’m sorry”. We apologize when we don’t know something. We even apologize for not getting back to someone sooner. This one gets me almost as much as apologizing for your feelings. The phone is there for your convenience, not theirs. You shouldn’t have to say sorry for working, or taking a bath, or whatever you were doing instead of replying to them, immediately.
Anyway, your feelings, thoughts, and opinions are yours. Claim them. Own them. Be proud of them. Don’t apologize for them! They are a part of you.
In addition, I’m guessing that hearing yourself say ‘I’m sorry’ all the time is creating deeper neural pathways in your brain, reinforcing your limiting belief that you are a sorry human.
I’m sure you don’t want that.
I don’t want that.
For me or for you.
Value yourself. Respect yourself. Don’t be sorry!
Now take your under construction (learning, growing, loving) self out into the world today and unapologetically speak your truth!
Click above to view details of the painting that inspired this post.
Thank you so much for reading!
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Hello! I’m Lisa Mae
I use soft pastels to create vibrant, luscious seascape paintings inspired by the energy and clarity the ocean illuminates in me. I share my creations with hopes of inspiring you to follow your dreams and feel truly alive! I also want to illuminate this world we all share by giving back to the oceans with every print sold.
We are all connected. Together we can be the change.
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