“Everything You Can Imagine Is Real” ~Pablo Picasso
Quite a few months ago I heard this quote: “Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality”. ~Robin Sharma. This idea does make sense to me. It’s not that difficult to believe that man-made things in the world were first an idea from someone’s brain. I’ve just never really thought about that being the way of it until I heard this quote.
When I first saw the above quote by Picasso, I immediately recalled the quote by Robin Sharma. I have considered both of them for the last few weeks; especially how it applies to my paintings. I’ve wondered if I do first create my paintings in my head.
It doesn’t feel like it
My paintings never seem to turn out just as I imagined in my head. A lot of times this is because I don’t always start with a clear vision of what I want to paint: I wing it. But sometimes I try to paint what I have envisioned. I have to tell you – they never turn out like what was first in my head.
Hypnotized: a trance-like state characterized by susceptibility to suggestion. I oftentimes feel I am hypnotized when I paint. I like this state; I feel my paintings are more expressive when I don’t plan too much. I love letting my hands act willfully on suggestions from my creative brain: imagination becoming reality.
So then, how could I have created a painting seemingly without creating it in my mind first?
Our brains. That’s how.
Our brain is the fastest computer in the world. It is our most valuable tool. It has loads of power.
I think that as I paint, my brain is ever adapting and changing to the pastels it sees on the paper in front of me.
Ever heard ‘the possibilities are endless’? As I sit and write this post, I believe that my mind sees all the possibilities of each mark I make, and each color I choose. It makes decisions so quickly I don’t even notice. While in a hypnotized painting state, my brain is thinking without me thinking about it.
When I’m painting, the possibilities are endless at the start. As I add more marks, the focus narrows and the final creation becomes more clear. Result – a tangible painting.
So basically, as Picasso claims, everything you can imagine is real, as a possibility.
What do you want?
Have you ever imagined yourself 30lbs lighter? Or imagined a million dollars in your retirement fund? Or imagined living a fulfilling, passionate life with the man (or woman) of your dreams?
If you have daydreamed about it, pictured it, or imagined it then it is already created in your mind and, therefore, can be created in reality.
I hear you! There are just some things that will never happen, right? You will never be a millionaire, save the turtles, or experience true everlasting love?
But I am telling you you could. You could if you approached your future as a possibility. If you believe in that possibility and are dedicated to making it happen, you will find a way. Be prepared, you will have to face failing over and over, and constantly getting back up, and figuring out how to make it happen.
I’ve never been able to do it before
Ask yourself this right now: Why don’t I make a million dollars a year?
You’ll probably answer with some excuse based on a belief. For example – I’m a doctor, and doctors don’t make a million dollars a year. Or, I’ve been trying to make more money with my business, but I’ve never made more than 150k.
Think about the first example answer I gave. Is it true? You may think so at first glance, but I bet Dr. Oz makes more than a million, and I guarantee Dr. Phil does. This means that a doctor could make a million a year. There are ways to do it – if you want.
The second example is based on your past. Just because you’ve never done it before, doesn’t mean you can’t. It just means you haven’t figured out how – yet.
Your brain likes to look for evidence that confirms your current beliefs. This is a bummer: especially because most people hold beliefs like ‘That’s just not how it works’, and ‘I’ve never done it before’.
We block the possibility from the get-go; we don’t even consider it. Therefore, we act as if we could never have more money, so then we never make more money – proving our initial belief true.
Unrealized dreams
Consider for a moment all the dreams imagined by every single person. All the hopes of little kids wanting to be dancers, astronauts, or baseball players. How many times do you think people have imagined themselves 10, 30, 100 pounds lighter? How many times have people imagined how it would feel to drive a Tesla, Ferrari, or Porsche? Have you ever imagined what you would do if you had an extra thousand, 100k, or million dollars? What about all the people who have wanted to change the world? Save the animals? Cure cancer?
The possibility is there. It always has been right? We can see it. People change the world on a daily basis. Lots of people drive expensive cars. Tons of couples have been together for over 50 years and love each other more now than when they first fell in love.
But most of us don’t follow our possibilities
Somewhere along the line, your brain learned to believe that it can’t happen for you. And remember: your brain likes to be right and efficient. Your brain is going to look for evidence that will prove you can’t do what you want; the brain reinforces.
To get what you want, you need to live from the perspective of your future self, not your past self. In the past is all the reasons – and evidence – why you haven’t gotten what you want. Possibility is in the future. If you believe in that possibility and are driven to create that reality, you will choose actions now that support the future you imagine.
What is the result?
Your positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions will create your reality.
“You are as strong as you think you are, you can achieve things you think you can achieve, it’s all in your head”. ~Tony Robbins
And of course, the one we’ve all heard for years:
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right”. ~Henry Ford
So what is your unrealized dream? Can you imagine it as a possibility? Yes? Awesome! Go make your imagination your reality!
My inspiration…(click for full view)
Thank you so much for reading!
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Hello! I’m Lisa Mae ~ Emotive Seascape Artist
I paint, write, and create the motivation I need to keep me going and sharing it with you sets my soul on fire! I use soft pastels to create vibrant, luscious seascape paintings inspired by the energy and clarity the ocean illuminates in me. I share my creations with hopes of inspiring you to find joy, connection, and fulfillment so you can create the life of your dreams and feel truly alive!
I also want to illuminate this world we all share by giving back to the oceans with every print sold.
We are all connected. Together we can be the change.
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