Still haven’t figured out what impassions you? Find clues in the big picture of your past. What you’ve always loved to do, personality tendencies, and your strengths may give you considerable insight.
I took a personality test and found 4 major recurring clues I can use to reinforce my decision to become an emotive seascape artist. This gives me comfort and confidence that I am following my heart and pursuing a career that will fulfill me.
Since learning more about the power of our brains recently, I have realized we get to choose what we want to believe and focus on; what we want to prove true. So this is an example of what I choose to prove true; what I want this test to mean; that I am on the right path.
Enneagram personality test
Have you taken the enneagram test yet? I had heard about it on a podcast a few months ago and thought it sounded interesting. Like horoscopes, I have always taken personality tests with a grain of salt. And I’m not saying you should take it, but if you are interested, this is the one my family and I took: However, the best information regarding your results is at
The individualist
My initial test results were inconclusive. They gave me two options and advised reading more on each to determine for myself which I was. This came as no surprise to me since many tests I take produce results like this. (Right brained or left brained? Integral. Close to the line of being introverted and extroverted, but more introverted. Can’t decide if I am an INFP or INFJ). Does this mean it depends on the mood I’m in?
Anyway, with the enneagram test, I had to decide if I was a 4 or a 5. Both are often artists, both are thinkers, both are emotional and curious. I eventually concluded I am a four – the Individualist. I think I was kind of surprised by this at first simply because I have people-pleased for so long, and I don’t feel as if I do things my way. However, upon taking a view of my life through the ‘Individualist’ lense as I debated, I can see some truth to it.
But more than that, I found some consistencies throughout my life that I practice today with following my dreams. Am I just looking for proof that I am on the right track? Possibly. But I’ll take it.
One theme that has been pretty consistent throughout my life is doing things on my own terms. I could write a book on all the ways I have “rebelled” a bit in my life, but for brevity sake I’ll keep it short.
For most of my life, whenever I was shown how to do something I would patiently let someone teach me their way, ask questions to fully understand the why’s and how’s, and then I would do it my way. A way that I found efficient and effective and that made sense to me. This method served me well most of my “working” days: I was promoted quickly in almost every job I’ve had.
When I first started this business, I did all the research and followed all the advice on ‘how to write profitable blogs’, and ‘how to sell your art online’. I soon realized I would be carving my own path in this too. I don’t want to do a lot of the things that are on those lists. Most just felt wrong. I wasn’t being true to myself by writing blogs on ‘current affairs of the ocean’, or designing my posts in the popular ‘nine step process’.
For example. I hate pop-ups. When I want to read a post, I want to read it. I don’t want to spend 30 seconds looking for the nearly invisible X to close the pop-up. I don’t want to scroll past a dozen ads and wonder if I’ll ever reach the end of the article. I don’t want to have to put numbers in my blog titles just to get more clicks.
I want to write from the heart. I want a website that is a reflection of me without distractions. I don’t want to be annoying. Or pushy. I want to create a site that I would want to visit.
Natural leader
In high school I was nominated (a shock to me at the time; I felt more people ignored me than opened up to me) for Natural Helpers. I got to go to retreats and learn skills to help others. As it turns out, people actually have come to me quite often for emotional support or advice. I have found I love talking to people one on one about feelings, thoughts, or ideas.
I remember considering going to school to be a counsellor, but eventually picked law enforcement instead (just because I didn’t want to go to school for another six years – another non-conforming behavior). I never did become a cop, but years later I did get trained and volunteered as an EMT.
As I mentioned, I was often promoted quickly, usually into supervisory roles. Taking control comes naturally to me even if I don’t enjoy it all the time.
Water baby
Water has definitely been a consistent theme throughout my life. When I was young, I was always the last one out of the lake when camping. I love lakes, streams, waterfalls, and especially the ocean. At one time I wanted to be a marine biologist just so I could work and live near the ocean. And I am a scorpio (water sign). Obviously I am not a marine biologist, but I do live near the ocean and paint it for a living.
When I was really young, I loved my box of 64 crayola crayons. I could color all day. Then I learned to make jewelry: first from threads, then beads and wire. I then took up crocheting: I have crocheted hats and scarves, wrist warmers and socks, shawls and sweaters. I didn’t discover painting until my mid-twenties, but it has been, by far, my most favorite form of creating. And it’s the one that has stuck.
So what does all of this have to do with passions?
Taking the enneagram test forced me to look at my past. When I did, I found a few consistencies in my life: doing things my way, a love of water, a fondness for helping people, and a passion to create colorful things.
What I have just recently realized is that what I do today as an emotive artist whose goal is to color the sea and empower thousands of women to create the life of their dreams embraces all these tendencies that have been persistent through many of my years.
This knowledge comforts me. I choose to look at it as proof that I am on the right path; that I am being true to myself.
However, I have to mention that if you look into your past and see themes you no longer wish to have in your life, you can choose to change that. You can choose a different path.
Or you can find inspiration for your passion by taking a peek at your past themes and tendencies, and choose what you want it to mean.
My inspiration…(click for full view)
Thank you so much for reading!
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Hello! I’m Lisa Mae ~ Emotive Seascape Artist
I paint, write, and create the motivation I need to keep me going and sharing it with you sets my soul on fire! I use soft pastels to create vibrant, luscious seascape paintings inspired by the energy and clarity the ocean illuminates in me. I share my creations with hopes of inspiring you to find joy, connection, and fulfillment so you can create the life of your dreams and feel truly alive!
I also want to illuminate this world we all share by giving back to the oceans with every print sold.
We are all connected. Together we can be the change.
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